示例:如果您断开两个拥有大部分比特币挖矿能力的国家/地区的连接,比特币网络仍会产生区块!那是不是很美妙?确实,在发生类似中断的情况下,该网络仍然可以工作,但是当重新连接在一起时,较小国家产生的整个较小的交易链将不复存在。这意味着你可以作为商人获得报酬,等待 100 个区块,但在网络重新连接后仍然一无所获。
正确的最终性区块应该是 一块。一旦交易是可观察的,它就应该是最终的。商家应该完全相信交易发生或不发生。这就是说Algorand是无分叉区块链的原因。
Finality is the assurance or guarantee that cryptocurrency transactions cannot be
altered, reversed, or cancelled after they are completed.
Algorand cannot fork. What does that actually mean? It means that a transaction is atomic (all
or none) and once written to the blockchain, cannot be erased, repudiated, or
contradicted by another transaction. The blockchain can never exist as a
composite of smaller chains and maintains unity. It can’t be spliced into
partitions either by accident or through manipulation.
definitions of forking refer to protocol updates and upgrades. Those are
irrelevant here, and that should be clarified to those with that definition in
mind, because it isn’t the point.
why is it important for a financial system to never fork? Can’t we just wait
for some number of blocks on Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Cardano and have confidence
that we achieved finality through weak consistency? Absolutely not.
If you disconnected two countries that contained the majority of Bitcoin’s
mining power, the Bitcoin network would still produce blocks! Isn’t that
wonderful? The network would still work in the event of an outage like that, indeed,
but when reconnected together, the entire smaller chain of transactions
produced by the smaller country would be erased out of existence. That means
you could have gotten paid as a merchant, waited for 100 blocks, and still
ended up with nothing after the networks got reconnected.
correct number of blocks for finality should be one. Once a transaction is
observable, it should be final. The merchant should have complete confidence
that a transaction either happens or doesn’t happen. That is what makes Algorand a
forkless blockchain.